COW notes is an application of diagnosis and monitoring which allows to assess exactly and easily, in few minutes, the main risk factors of metabolic disorders and comfort in breeding.
There are risk factors, expressed by animals, concerning mastitis, lameness, energy deficit, reproduction and production disorders which are explored. Less than 15 minutes are necessary to assess 20% of the herd, this constitutes a representative sample.
COW notes allows for the assessment of :
- Body Condition Score (BCS),
- Cleanliness Score,
- Rumen Fill Score (RFS),
- Back-leg angulation,
- Gait Score and
- Hock Lesion
Based on the published interpretation grids, COW notes works on the comparison between the proposed photos by the software and what the user sees in the assessed cow. The user just needs to click on the photo which is the most resembling of what he observes to have a precise notation of assessed criterion. They can be identified by their official number or only by their parity (Primiparous-Multiparous) and their physiological stage, for dairy cows. Special grids are used for B.C.S. of Holsteins, Montbeliardes and beef cattle, and for Cleanliness scores for dairy cows (assessment of Feet, Udder and Leg cleanliness) and beef cattle (official grid IDELE).
In each screen, a help screen is available to guide the user in his choices.
At the end of data capture, for each criterion, summary screens, tables and charts, are generated to present the results. A first analysis is, therefore, immediately feasible.
The user can also generate an exportable file which values all the assessments already conducted in the breeding, by publishing several charts (about 70) which allows each user to choose the data he favors to manage the breeding.
An Excel file is also available to allow the user to personalize the valuation of data collected.
Pay application (monthly subscription).